Saturday, August 27, 2011


So as of today, we’ve reached 36% of our goal… this is INCREDIBLE. It’s a truly amazing thing to realize how many people love us and sincerely support us. This is us:

We’re really happy. Extremely blessed. And Excited.

We’re also still in love. Marriage rocks.
Anyway, we want to specifically thank:
Mr. and Mrs. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Kang
Mr. and Mrs. Kim
Great Grandma Lavely
Grandma and Grandpa Lavely
Robin and Eric
Uncle Clyde and Aunt Marlyn

Stephen and Kim
YoungHoon and HyunReong

Andrew and LeAllison
MyeongHee and GeunHyeok

Uncle Bill and Aunt Henri
Faith Baptist Church of Missoula, MT
Also, we know that so many of you haven’t been able to support us financially but that you have been lifting us up in prayer. That is SO important to us. Maybe more important. There’s absolutely no point in us going if we are outside of God’s will. No amount of money can cover the amount of prayer we need.

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Our prayer for all of you and for ourselves is that we will pursue righteousness (and as Jesus was the only righteous human, He is our example), that there may be great power in our prayers.
As a special request, please pray for Jordan & Marty. Their new baby, Morgan, is in the hospital and she’s likely to be there for a while. They’ve been married a little over a year and parents for less than a week.

Monday, August 22, 2011

One Month From Today

We're headed here!

 And then here!

 That's ridiculously exciting... even though we may not see the actual images depicted (just came from a Google search).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Answers to Questions

Thanks for coming to my blog. More than likely you came here because you know that we’re going to India and the logical question is WHY?
Well, I’d like to place the initial blame on Jeff Moody. Now, it’s not totally his fault. But he, and his lovely wife, Mandy, were super important people in the structure of Gateway Baptist Church. I say “were” because they just moved away. But that is an important aspect of the story. Jeff was in charge of the India Child Sponsorship program. He wasn’t necessarily running the whole thing, there’s a dedicated team of Gateway members who have all played a part. But Jeff was the point person and his impending move was going to leave a giant hole in this fledgling program.
When I saw this need and realized no one was really jumping up to take over, I began to feel burdened. Not in a guilty way. But in a way that I felt it was a REALLY good, important, doable program and it was sad that it wasn’t just exploding with success. I didn’t know too much about India (still don’t) or the program, but I knew that I was able and I wanted to give my time to something. I didn’t really have any fantastic ideas for how to get the proverbial ball rolling, but I knew that the ball should be rolling and maybe God would show me how to do it.
So, I joined the team and now Shin and I are going to India. Our church  views taking the trip there as part of a long-term investment in the Indian leadership and in our abilities to serve them. Our group will not just be observing and brain-storming (although that is part of it), but we will be following-up with several different organizations we work with. Gateway Baptist Church has been working with New Life Center (the orphanage) as well as other schools, church-plants, and a pastoral training network for many years. Shin is particularly interested in one of the schools our church supports- he met the leader of the school and wants to learn more about it on a really practical level. Our group will also be helping to lead a conference for church leaders and exploring some property up in the mountains for a future building site.
So, the entirety of the trip is about much more than the orphanage. The orphanage is just the part I am focused on since I am now co-leading the ICS (India Child Sponsorship) program. There is one other woman, Karen, who is co-leading the program, she is planning to take the trip and she has an amazing heart for the ministry. She and I both believe it is important for us to have a first-hand experience so that we can better understand how to best lead the ICS program. ICS is just getting started and we want to meet with the director of New Life Center so we can get a grasp of the complexity of the situation. As Karen and I try to recruit sponsors, we think it's important that we know what we're talking about and that we have a connection to the Center. We realize it's not impossible to lead the program if we don't go, but we believe we will be more effective and have a deeper understanding if we do go.
In light of the fact that the orphanage is about to lose some funding, it sounds incredibly selfish for Shin & I (and the others we’re traveling with) to be asking for $4,400. That money would support 110 children for 1 month! But in light of the bigger picture, ICS needs over 200 people to establish long-term commitments. The end goal is to grow the program to cover even more children in Dehradun and Northern India. So $4,400 is a lot of money for Shin and I to go. But our prayer is that it will enable us and inspire us to be able to come back and get many families to invest in the future of these children.
BTW- we’ve reached 17% of our goal! Woo Hoo! Thank you to everyone who has supported us already!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not Related to India...

So, Shin and I went to Conway this past weekend. We drove 7.5 hours Friday afternoon/evening and then 7.5 hours Sunday afternoon/evening. Somewhere on the way I saw a billboard for Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network. I don't really remember what it said, but it caught my attention enough for me to try to google it today. I'm glad to know we have these types of resources in Alabama. This morning I read this article about a Louisiana man who cared for his disabled son and ultimately murdered him, I was horrified. I think SO MANY people are living really hard lives. They need help and they need someone to listen to them and someone to care.

*Just as a note- I don't know anything about Alabama Respite Care other than what their website tells me. I was just amazed that we have this kind of resource and I think it's good- I don't know any specifics of the organization.

Do all states have this type of network? I'm sure some states do it much better.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life Updates

We’re going to INDIA!
Shin and I are embarking on a grand adventure to India with a group from Gateway Baptist Church. The trip is from Sept 22nd- Oct 1st and our specific interest is related to the work I’ve been doing with India Child Sponsorship, a program of Community Development Initiatives. It's a ministry organized for people in America to sponsor Hindu orphans in Dehradun, India.
Our church has been working with this ministry for the last 7 years and we work directly with the staff of New Life Center. Unfortunately, unless sponsors step up by September 20th, they will lose funding that will cut 120 children from the program. Our church is taking a small group to assess the situation and find out how our money can best be used to aid the children that get to stay. For Shin and I to go, it's going to cost us $2,200 each.
I am trying to pick up some extra part time work cleaning, organizing, yard-working, errand-running (pray for people to take an interest in hiring me!)  and I may be taking a semester off from graduate school. However we also fully believe that missions is not just about us experiencing God, it’s not just about the people we will meet and share God’s love with, it’s about all of us – including you – worshipping God!  We believe that, “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”1
We hope you will pray for us as we prepare to leave (for passports, Green card, and visas to process quickly), and we hope that you will let others know about what we are doing. If you are interested in prayerfully and/or financially supporting us, you can contact us by email at: OR or use our PayPal donation button at the top right of the page.
As we prepare for our trip, I’m planning to post more on Dehradun, New Life Center, Child Sponsorship, Fundraising, and how we’re trying to figure out trusting in God on this seemingly financially ridiculous path He’s called us to. We hope you’ll follow along as we learn more about India and what God is doing there.

As an aside:
For anyone who read this post and thought the poky-grassy plants were weeds… you were wrong!  Check this beautiful flower out! Now I really wish I knew what it was because it successfully grew! All I did was water it, and one day it developed a tiny bud. Then the bud grew. And it took about two weeks. Then I thought it was never going to open and it was just going to die (the plant turned yellow-ish and was leaning over). So I repotted it Wednesday night into a larger container… and Thursday there was a BEAUTIFUL white blossom.

 It has yellow pollinator guys and they’re dusty and lovely (I’m sure anyone who knows anything about biology remembers what those are called but I don’t. Grease 2 only taught me “stamen” and “pistil” and I have no clue which is which). It also has purple veins on the outside that are perfectly impressive. (Can you tell I’m in love with this blossom?)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Master Bathroom

Our Bathroom

So, we spent a ridiculous amount of time working on our bathroom. I think we started in April… and finished July 4th!!! That’s three months on one regular bathroom. We had to strip the horrible wallpaper. That’s what took so long. The first layer came off WONDERFULLY. It just “shhhhhhhhrp” came right off with one pull. From the top all the way down to the bottom. “Shhhhhhhhhhhhrp” “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrp” “shhhhrrrrpppp.” But it was that second layer that killed us. We rolled remover liquid on those walls. We scraped them. We sponged them. We picked at them. We grunted. We quit. My lovely husband finally picked a scraper up again and got the job almost finished for me. But it took forever. Then I patched scrapes and chunks that were taken out of the wall by the crappy scraper and the weak dry wall. Several parts of the dry wall just really crumbled when we went to remove that second layer. So the spackel began. And then the priming. And then the edging with the primer. And we had to pick out the color. First sample was too bland and brown-ish, second sample too bright and just screamed “I’M YELLOW!”, combination of them was good but not enough paint and still a little yellow. So I went to SW and they matched the color on some high quality paint and made it a little lighter. Our bathroom is now the perfect shade of yellow after only one layer of paint. I love it. I want to paint everything yellow now… but never remove wallpaper ever again.


Anyone know a good, cheap home remedy for getting rid of rust stains?