Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Cost of Higher Education


It’s difficult to explain my feelings about school. But lately I’ve had a lot of homework and assignments and it’s been taking up significantly more time than just the four hours sitting in class. So I will attempt to explain my brain about school (I’m sitting in class, so it’s kind of fitting).
-I like school. I like learning. I like understanding how systems work. I like that I’m capable in Excel when one year ago I had never used a spreadsheet. Ever.
-I’m unmotivated to do homework. I don’t want to write a paper or do research. I just want to magically know it and get a degree.
-My class is boring. My teacher is super nice and he loves public administration. But he’s really not a good lecturer. He doesn’t ask a lot of engaging questions and doesn’t allow for discussion.
-I really want my masters. I want to have a Masters of Public Administration with a focus on Nonprofit Management. I want to be super qualified to do something. Something with nonprofits.
-I want to be an educated, ready person. I can tell that I am more able to edit and critique than my coworkers and it’s because of my schooling (note: not smarter than them, just better at catching mistakes).
-I like being around smart people. It’s good to surround myself with people who want to keep learning about the world and understand it better.
-I really don’t have a specific goal upon obtaining the masters. I just know I will have a degree and I can do more stuff with it (I would be lying if I said I didn’t care about the money, but it’s not all about the money- I’m going into nonprofit so my goals aren’t really to be a trillionaire). This lack of a clear vision leaves me feeling like I’m not in a hurry.
-I like all of my extracurriculars. I work 40 hours a week. I go to church on Sundays and Wednesday nights. I have Korean lessons on Monday nights. I have Life Group on Friday nights. I want to be even more involved in my church. I don’t WANT to be cramming my degree in right now.
-It IS cheaper to do it faster. But even if I took 9 hours per semester instead of 3 hours, it would only be $1,000 cheaper. (If I took 6 hours/semester it would save $800). I know I shouldn’t say “only” when we’re talking about $1,000 but in comparison to the cost of my entire education, it’s the cost of one class. And if I took more classes I would be more tired or I would have to get rid of doing something else I like to do. At some point I might make that decision and want to do that- but right now, I’m just fine with being in school for three more years. Even though I don’t LURVE it right now.
-I think a lot of this back and forth between my feelings about school comes from pride. I want people to think I’m smart. I want them to believe I’m capable. But I also like the feeling when I’m presented with a challenge to create/write something and I know I can do it and do it well because of my continuing education. I like knowing that I am capable and I can serve others well. It’s not JUST about me but it is also about my ability to do a job well to create a change I believe in. I want to help people in this world and to do that I have to have a full understanding of systemic problems instead of just offering a band-aid to cover a gash.
- I have decided to take two classes in the fall. We'll see how this goes...

AND I'm sure this budget final on Tuesday is going to spank me. I just hope I don't cry too hard when it's all over.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oh Em Gardening

Okay, I love GARDENING. I’ve been gardening some. And tending to plants and such.

My potato plants all died. I think gardening might be addictive. I had kind of given up on it when my plants started dying, but once I got to eat my own potatoes- I fell back in love with it. All potatoes pictured have been eaten. They were delicious and I wish I had a bunch more.
 I want to expand my garden next year. I don’t love the mosquitoes but I do love it when I get to yank all the weeds out of the ground (I know, weird, right?) and see my fluffy asparagus growing and my onions flourishing. I wish my garlic had worked (planted garlic but they didn’t grow… at all!). I think next year I’ll try tomatoes and garlic again and maaaaybe carrots. If I do carrots I’ll need to do a little better about my rows and organize better (right now everything’s just stabbed in the ground in regions).

All plants pictured are still alive… I really only needed to post one picture. But I’m just excited about them. Does anyone have any idea what the plants are on the front row on the respective ends? My grandma says they are weeds! (Which might explain why they’re doing so well.) But they have hard bases that they’re growing from, not like a weed that you can just pull out of the ground. They were included in the dirt that came with my asparagus plants so they could be weeds but I really hope they’re actual planty-plants. I also have three other plants that are not pictured (along with my whole garden).