Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Alive and Kicking

So, when I finished school, I (apparently) never wanted to write ever again... but, I've recovered and can update once more. Noah and I flew to AR and met my sister, mom, stepdad, and stepsister there along with UCA friends, other members of my stepfamilies, and my in-laws. We had a great trip and if I were moderately wealthy, I would seriously fly everywhere with that kid. It's so much easier than driving! Valerie and I came home with Noah via car in time for me to graduate on May 16. Then I had 2 weeks to focus on training for my second triathlon.
My dad and stepmom drove down and got in just before midnight Friday night. Then we were up at 5:30am on May 30th for the race! The swim was great, the bike went well, but the run uphill in the sun and heat was brutal. I was glad I finished, but did not beat my 2013 time.
Now I'm spending summer chilling with Noah and working on strengthening my core (hopefully to be a faster runner), as well as learning Korean.
We will visit Korea at the end of July for Noah's first trip!

I'm doing a second post about Noah's developments.