Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Brief Update

My stitches dissolved into my body. My foot is almost fully healed.

We're house/dog sitting for a coworker who has her own pond. I've been fishing twice. We're going back tonight!

I caught a brim! (Aka bluegill)

I asked Shin to toss him back. I was a little freaked out. But it was still so fun. Now I have high expectations for tonight's fishing.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My cyst

So, I've been hesitant to post about this because I fear people will make a bigger deal than they should. But I'd like to update concerned friends, coworkers, and family in one convenient place (Facebook) and I feel like an explanation is necessary. To answer a few questions you may have:

1. The cyst itself does not hurt and it's not cancerous, I'm having it removed because it is 2x2x1 cm and it's difficult to wear any shoe that covers my foot.

2. I've had this done before (3 years ago). It's genetic and it will possibly come back. Hopefully in longer than 3 years.

3. My surgery is at 1:30pm on Fri, June 15 in Montgomery. I should be home by 6pm. Shin will be with me. The actual operation should only be 30 min. I will be anesthetized (which is why pre-op and post-op take longer than surgery).

4. I shouldn't need crutches, although I do have a pair just in case. I will probably have to wear a special shoe for a few days. I plan to go back to work Tuesday, possibly Wednesday if I'm just super tired or something.

5. I am not worried about the operation as much as I'm afraid of being super hungry. I can't eat ANYTHING from midnight tonight until after surgery. I've had surgery before, but I've never gone that long without anything to eat.

6. I know that makes me a whiney, pudgy American who has no concept of what most of the world lives like AND a Christian with no concept of fasting.

7. I'm going to eat as big a meal as I can handle as late as possible tonight. :-D looking forward to that.

8. I am also looking forward to sitting and not doing anything for days.

9. I know points 7. and 8. also sound a lot like something a pudgy American might say.

The end.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

More Trip...

A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. Acts 2:43

My prayer as I finish this final day of an amazing trip, is that God would rekindle a deep sense of awe in me about who He is, what He has done, and what He is doing.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Having a great time!!!