Thursday, March 1, 2012


Okay, we're still here and life is still good. I just feel like I can't take the time to create a single, coherent post. And that when I do, I'm avoiding doing something else I should be doing. But I'll just do it anyway...

1. Shin just opened a new restaurant (he's managing, we don't own it). It's called Martha's Place and it's a southern buffet. So far, he's enjoying it but it's a lot of hours at first as he tries to figure out how things should go. (Please pray for him and me as we adjust to this new schedule/life.)

2. We are both enrolled in a Teaching English as a Second Language class and our final is due next week. It's REALLY hard. So, that's what I *should* be doing right now. I'm avoiding it for this post but I definitely need to jump on it and focus.

3. I'm hosting a Mary Kay party on Saturday and I'm nervous no one will come. Or no one will buy anything and I won't get my foundation and primer like I really want. This is clearly not the end of the world, it's just something I've been thinking out/preparing for. I'm really hoping my friends and coworkers can come through. I think it'll be a fun time if anyone actually shows up!

4. It's so humid here these days. Like, winter is 100% vanquished.

5. I miss talking to my mom. We're in different time zones now and it seems like our schedules never quite align like they did before. We have to schedule intentional talking time, which is different from when we talked just a little bit twice a day.

6. Karen and I are really trying to get in gear with India Child Sponsorship and that's exciting. I'm looking forward to strengthening and improving the program.

7. My sister (and possibly Julie) is coming for spring break. We're planning to go to the beach while she's here. This will be Shin's first trip away from the restaurant. I'm SO excited. About all of it. Really looking forward to seeing my sister.

8. I made a song about Lent to the tune of "Rent". It's pretty bad, but I still like it and it gets stuck in my head sometimes.

9. My cat's still alive and annoying. He's meowing riiiight now. (as I write this and probably as you read it)

10. Shin's home! Huzzah!

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