Saturday, November 24, 2012

Woo hoo!

My dad is a retired Marine. When I was a kid, about 10 or 11 years old, he was involved in some kind of American Heart Association event. There was something for adults and then all the kids got to go to this big tent and do kid activities. They were all about staying active because it's good for your heart. One of the activities I remember was running a couple laps around the tent. I began to run with everybody else and it was hard. I began to fall behind, my shins were KILLING me, and I had a hard time breathing. I quit running and went and told the leader I couldn't run because I had asthma. I knew that kids who had asthma had breathing problems and they didn't have to run. So that must mean I had asthma too. I eventually realized asthma's a legitimate thing and I had unintentionally lied. Regardless, from that point on I can remember knowing in my head 'I'm not a runner.' 'I don't run.' 'I hate running.' I always considered myself someone who could walk for miles, but couldn't even run for three minutes.

Well, ladies and gentleman, I have some great news. Today I ran 3.58 miles!!! I'm ready for next week's 5K! It's going to take me like 40 minutes, but I physically CAN do it! Thanks to my sister, Julie, Mika, and Shin for encouraging me and even keeping me accountable. Also, tons of thanks to God for giving me the ability and motivation. So many times I've been literally praying to make it the next step. He's always kept me safe and allowed me to continue! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Alycia! That is quite an accomplishment! Good luck next week. <3
