Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Widows and Orphans

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

This verse has been weighing on my mind for a few days. My mental interpretation is "God is especially pleased when you're involved with caring for widows and orphans." Then I feel guilty. My guilt comes from the fact that I don't personally know (or can't easily think of) any widows and orphans. Adding another layer of guilt: I don't actively seek out widows and orphans in my community. 

The other night when I read this verse, something occurred to me that may seem obvious, but it sincerely lifted my spirit. "Widows and orphans" of James' time were the people who were helpless and neglected by society. Widows were powerless (couldn't own property or manage their own finances) and relied solely on the benevolence of others to live. Orphans were children who were completely alone; they needed guidance and someone to meet their very basic needs. These two groups of people have significant overlap, but I can now clearly see the verse is calling us to care for people who are lonely and/or helpless.

I know in the past I've specifically prayed, "God, please make me aware of *literal* widows and orphans so I can care for them." But once I realized that the verse is calling us to concern ourselves with people who are helpless and lonely, I was amazed by how many people God has placed in my life to help and spend time with. I don't know any widows or orphans, but I do know an old man who is lonely and a group of kids who just need to know somebody cares.

So, if you've read this verse before and thought "widows and orphans? how can I do that?" Then I would encourage you to open your mind to anyone who is lonely or helpless, and then try to serve and bless them as often and consistently as you can. With this idea in mind, I feel more willing and open to serve anyone in need who enters my life.

Oh, and if you are interested in helping literal orphans, I hope you'll consider India Child Sponsorship. Many of the children in this program are orphans or have parents unable to care for them. The school these kids attend and live at is directly involved with physical, spiritual, and emotional care for North India's orphans. I hope you'll become or stay involved with orphans in your community, but also consider supporting an orphan on the other side of the world.

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