So far, I haven't seen a single friend utter a comment about the Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs shooting. If someone has, it hasn't built enough voice to present itself as a "trending topic". I'm friends with Christians who have blown up my Facebook newsfeed about matters weighty and trivial- Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, Duck Dynasty, Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Syrian Refugees, Planned Parenthood fetal tissue videos, various Duggars, ISIS, Paris, Boston... But so far, no one has squeaked loud enough for Facebook to bring our heartbreaking concern for the victims of the Colorado Springs shooting to my attention.
So, I'm taking a moment to use my tiny voice to declare that the attack and siege of a Planned Parenthood clinic, and the murder of 3 individuals, is an absolutely horrible and terrifying thing. No one should have to fear for their lives coming in the form of vigilante "justice". Regardless of my stance on abortion, my heart is broken for the lives lost and the families affected. I pray for the coworkers and patients who will go back to the clinic and can never forget the tragedy that happened there. I believe what happens there every day is a tragedy, but I also weep for the lives lost as a result of the attack.
As Trevin Wax states in the article linked above, "Because all human life is sacred, we oppose the violent outburst against Planned Parenthood last Friday, as well as the violence that goes on against helpless victims every day their doors are open."
Also, if you're interested in the question "Why Don't Pro-Life Christians Kill Abortionists?" there's a very detailed response here:
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