Ugh. This post is starting off disappointed because I wanted to upload a picture of Bart showing how he has it made in the shade, but I can't upload from my phone. I know, 'woe is me, my privileged lifestyle smart phone won't do exactly what I want when I want it.' anyway, all that to say, possibly a picture to come if I decide to edit this post from a computer.
What this is really about is that in two days we are going to be a two cat fam, and I am excited. My coworker is going on maternity leave and we get to keep her cat for a while (at least a month) and I think Mia is going to be a great addition to our home. Bart is super spoiled and shin always plays with him alls the time. Now at least I'll have a cat too, or the cats will entertain each other. Anyway- yay temporarily two cats!
(another yay: actually survived reading a tale of two cities. The real, unabridged one. It almost killed my reading kick, but the ending was good.)
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