Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Day in the Life

Morning snuggles

Bath time

A very serious poo

고모 visit

Story time


Nap time

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Meet Baby J!

I didn't make it to 40 weeks and am so thankful. Those last 3 days were very uncomfortable! Noah Daniel DID wait until Wednesday after my mom arrived and his delivery was even better than I had hoped. :-) We love all 7lbs 13 oz & 20 inches of him.

He is eating, sleeping, and doing all baby things well! We are SO glad he's here and healthy. 

Monday, April 14, 2014


He just keeps getting bigger! My mom arrives tomorrow, then he can come out whenever he wants. I've also had a cold/allergies the past week and am thankfully recovering well. Sleeping is getting more difficult, but I've heard this is just God's way of preparing me for motherhood. :-)