Saturday, April 28, 2012

Take me out to the ball game!

We went to the season opening of the Montgomery Biscuits a little while ago... For someone who doesn't like baseball, it was surprisingly fun! We sat with a group of friends and I just got to lay in the sun and chat with people. As the game progressed, we moved from our blanket on the lawn to empty seats near home. At the end of the game, we were back on the lawn to watch a very impressive fireworks show. It was totally worth the $16 total.

Friday, April 20, 2012

You're welcome, neighborhood.

We live in a calm, quiet neighborhood. The average neighbor probably qualifies for a senior discount at any restaurant. They are nice, and all have well kept yards... Not so much at The Jeongle. I had 'decorated' with a poorly painted rock and some weeds. My mother informed me several weeks ago that I was decreasing the property values and these beloved neighbors were likely giving my yard the stink-eye... All of that has changed.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This morning I woke up before 6am. We were getting ready for the 6:15am sunrise service at a church our church partnered with (across the street from our house). I sang 'Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death. Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the bed!' Shin wasn't too impressed with my lyrical creativity. We ended up having a lovely sunrise service anyway. Then Shin went back to sleep while I got ready for Sunday School. Sunday School was good, but small. Most of the class was missing! Shin joined me us at the end of Sunday School and we went on to a fantastic church service, complete with triumphant worship music, a highlariously adorable children's choir performance, and a stellar/deeply convicting message.

We talked with some friends afterwards who also don't have family in town. They had ham and we had veggies so they invited us over and we pieced together a delicious Easter lunch. For photos of two couples having Easter fun check back here.

I'm just astounded and in awe of the life Christ has given us. We don't know where He wants us to go, we don't know what our careers, ministries, or family will be like. But days like today and weeks like this week are fully reassuring that Christ IS risen and we were purchased and forgiven so we can live this life and the next life with Him. This week wasn't easy. Quite frankly, extra church activities and things I felt the Holy Spirit pointing me towards were often inconvenient and performed under forced obedience. However God ALWAYS meets us where we are. I never once regretted the decision to go when and where He told me to go.

Anyway, we came home and fell immediately to sleep. Shin's nap is lasting a little long (mine was only 45 minutes!) so I might have to start singing again pretty soon. :-)

Here's the original Christ is Risen, for anyone interested. Happy Easter to you!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In the garden...

I grew a 5'6 weed.

I grew an amaryllis.

I have some super tall asparagus that really needs tending to.

I have three trees getting too big for pots that I cannot plant in my tiny, rented yard.

Anybody want a free sapling?